My beautiful boy

img_44031My beautiful boy is growing up.  He is now officially sleeping through the night at 2 1/2 months!  As much as this is exciting news, I really am not ready to let him grow up.  He’s such a perfect baby, I would gladly keep getting up with him at night if it meant I could hold on to this sweet little baby just a little bit longer…  My sweet Rhys Gunnar.

Baking #4 cookies

img_4523Well we are still celebrating Ryder’s 4th birthday it appears.  Today is the November birthday celebration at preschool.  I thought it would be brilliant to bring Grandma F’s famous birthday # cookies.  She’s so sweet, always remembers to bake them for us on our birthday.  But apparently it’s a lot harder than it looks.  They are not turning out as spectacular as they should.  Oh well, what else is new in my baking endeavors?  I should be banned from baking and stationed as only a cook!  Well, I’ll post some pics later that show the final decor.  For now, at the cutting stage everything looks good, eh?

Happy birthday to Ryder (again)!

Winter is here.

img_0971We finally had snow today.  I almost never wish for snow, being a Canadian.  But we’ve been missing it and it’s already mid November.  I haven’t taken any pics of the kids out playing in their gear yet.  But I found this one of Ryder from 2 years ago.  He’s so sweet.  I hope this snow puts me in Christmas spirit this week.  I think it may be time to decorate.  I saw the first Christmas tree of the year, all lit up a block over from us.  I love the excitement it brings!  Today I contemplated what it means to have “enough”, after a great Sunday sermon at church.  I will not get carried away by the Christmas marketing.  I will be happy with having enough this Christmas.

A few simple treats to bake.

A few simple gifts to buy.

A few simple crafts to make.


Ruby’s Capris to Pants

Here was my project from yesterday.  Just wanted to get something done for once!  Do you ever feel that way?  A million projects on the go, but what have you actually FINISHED?  Try it.  Today.  Right now.  Go!img_44521



After:Cute pants!


Ruby enjoying her new pants.

Waiting and working

Today I am anxiously waiting to hear about our house.  My future.  Will I move into my new home soon or not?  I needed to occupy myself and here is today’s activity of choice: Ruby’s quilt (that I have been ignoring for far too long).  Maybe I will finish it this week?  Oh please, God show me mercy and answer my prayers soon!




Today my Ruby girl does not look this cute and happy.  Poor girl is sick.  I just finished cleaning barf out of the shag rug!  Can you believe it?  What was I thinking buying that rug?  Barf is inevitable with children, oh well.  We will be spending a day at home alone today.  But the post-birthday bash has left them with plenty of new toys to occupy their time.  We’ve rediscovered the joy of LEGO!  So much fun!  I want to run out to the toy store and buy some more!  In the mean time, we’ll build and rebuild with our set!